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Written by a patient at Epsom General Hospital
15th June 2012

Miss Katy Ammar is an absolutely amazing doctor and a credit to her field and profession. After giving both my partner and i great support after our first born son was stillborn in 2010 she went on to help us with our next pregnancy and birth of our beautiful daughter. Miss Ammar listened to all of our concerns and reassured us every step of the way. It felt as though Katy had a personal mission to help us achieve our dream of having a family which meant a lot. After labouring for some time with my daughter it seemed i needed an assisted delivery as she was stuck. Miss Ammar was contacted at St Helier where she was holding a meeting and with that call she dropped everything and came immediately to Epsom General and amazingly delivered my daughter by forceps with only 1 stitch! Miss Ammar was the only doctor who was willing to try forceps before a c-section as during my pregnancy both my partner and i made Miss Ammar aware of how much i did not want a c section if it could be avoided. Katy took this in to consideration and i am so grateful she did. It meant a speedier recovery and better prospects for future children as well as no invasive abdominal sugery. I finally got the natural (well almost bar forceps) delivery with the happy ending every parent wants to feel. Since my daughter's birth 4 months ago i have been up to see Miss Ammar several times just to say hello and for her to have cuddles with my daughter. I feel not only have i found an amazing doctor i have also found a friend who i trust with all entirety. I am lucky enough to know that with my subsequent pregnancies Miss Ammar will be looking after me again along with Dr Shehata the same as previous pregnancies and it truly does make me feel safe.

Written by a patient at Epsom General Hospital
27th March 2012

I am delighted to have the opportunity to share my experience with Katy Ammar, for recently required surgery of a heavily prolapsed bladder and bowel, under the National Health Service, Katy gave me the kind of care and attention normally only available by the private health care system. Katy is professional and friendly with a good sense of humour. She pays attention to detail and has a up to date approach with outstanding results! The direction Katy took toward my operation and the symptoms presenting showed a willingness on her part to take into account my lifestyle, emotions, and despite a heavy caseload of patients demanding her skills, she chose to take the time to ‘get to know me’ and understand what I needed from the operation. I willingly recommend Katy Ammar to anyone looking for a high standard of professional Gynaecological care that can be trusted! Paula Tarr

Written by a patient at Epsom General Hospital
16th February 2012

Miss Katy Ammar is absolutely amazing and the best consultant I have ever seen. Miss Ammar is kind, caring and honest as well as very professional. I believe that Miss Ammar saved my life when she was called to operate on me shortly after a post cesearean hemorrhage where I lost 7litres of blood. Not only did Miss Ammar save me, she tried her upmost to keep my womb so that I didnt have to have a hysterectomy hours after my son was born. Words cannot describe how thankful my family and I are and we will never forget such a beautiful person. I will hope to be under Miss Ammar for our second child if we are blessed enough to have a second. Thank you for everything you do, you are amazing and Epsom Hospital are extremely lucky to have you, and I was extremely lucky for you to operate on me that morning of the 3rd December. Everyone in the maternity department of Epsom hospital were amazing. Thank you.

Written by a patient at Epsom General Hospital
5th February 2012

Like the patient whose review is dated 19 January 2012, I too was moved onto Miss Ammar's list after initially being on another consultant's. She saw me ten days before the scheduled operation and, again, on the morning of the operation. I was reassured by her calm and friendly approach and was more relaxed than I would have thought possible. Miss Ammar carried out a double repair and vaginal hysterectomy and, at my recent post-operative check-up has assured me that all is now well. An excellent doctor and a very caring individual. Thankyou.

Written by a patient at Epsom General Hospital
19th January 2012

I was moved onto Miss Ammar's list having been though the preliminaries of my forthcoming operation with another consultant. I had no worries about this as Miss Ammar made an appointment for me to see her before the operation to run through the procedure and answer any questions. I had a vaginal hysterectomy and prolapse repair and have just been back for my follow up appointment. Glad to report I am feeling great and already feel the benefits of the prolapse repair which had become very uncomfortable. I would like to thank Miss Ammar for her care before and after surgery and making me feel at ease. Jan (just say truck......she'll know who I am!)


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